Covid-19 Treatment Study for Newborns to 2 Years of Age.

Covid-19 Treatment Study for Newborns to 2 Years of Age

Children are at risk of developing severe illness and complications from COVID-19. Weekly COVID-19 hospitalization surveillance data show that hospitalization rates among children are increasing.*

About 1 in 3 children hospitalized with COVID-19 in the United States were admitted to the intensive care unit, similar to the rate among adults.*

*American Academy of Pediatrics and the Children’s Hospital Association

The focus of this study is on children, newborn to 2 years who have tested positive for Covid-19. The intent is to test a treatment option in the hopes of preventing long-term side effects. This study is looking at those most at-risk including: infants before their first birthday and one year olds with certain chronic illnesses.

Potential study participants need to have tested positive for Covid-19 for the first time with 72 hours of study treatment. Be Well Clinical Studies can test for Covid-19 at our clinic location if your child is having symptoms.

The study’s drug treatment will be given to participants with early symptoms of Covid-19. Samples will be taken from the back of the nose to determine how much virus is in the body at various times during the study. Participation could last about 12 weeks and includes one required visit to our clinic, with the remainder of assessments performed in the home or by phone.