Research Could “Rewire” Brain for Tinnitus Relief

A cell phone app that combines white noise, active game-based therapy, and counseling could help “rewire” the brain to provide relief from tinnitus symptoms, new research suggests.
— Kelli Whitlock Burton, Medscape

Tinnitus is a common problem, affecting millions of individuals. It is a condition I encounter daily in my practice and one that I suffer from personally. The impact can be mild and described as “a nuisance” or it can be significant and debilitating. Unfortunately, we do not have any proven therapies and certainly no cures. Like many other conditions that involve nerve damage there are certain treatments that can put a bandage on the problem and finding the right one is largely trial and error. Often, despite multiple efforts, the tinnitus does not improve.

This article featured in Medscape helps us understand tinnitus a little better and hopefully is pointing us in a new direction that will help.

Give me a call if you’d like to discuss this topic further.

Mark Carlson, MD


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